About Us

2023 – 2025

Expand and Develop International Market

Expanding the international market is a challenging but also extremely potential journey. Starting from 2023 – Fuwa determines that it needs a methodical strategy, high determination and continuous efforts. Fuwa has been gradually approaching the Global market.

To date, Fuwa is present in the following countries:

  • Americas: USA, Canada.
  • Europe: Germany, Italy.
  • Asia: Singapore, China, India, Malaysia.

In the coming years, Fuwa will continue to approach other countries. This could be a big challenge in conquering the international market.


Expanding the scale of the factory

Market demand is increasing, requiring businesses to constantly expand production scale to meet that demand. Expanding the factory is an important decision and brings many benefits to the business. At the same time, it contributes to raising the development to a new level.


Receive awards

Thanks to the tireless efforts of all staff, Fuwa has been honored to receive many prestigious awards throughout its development journey:

  • 2 awards and 4-star OCOP
  • Developing Home Care product line
  • Building factories for export


Promoting distribution channels

Fuwa always aims for sustainable development and affirms its leading position in the biological cleaning industry. To achieve this goal, the company has been implementing the strategy of Market Development and Effective Distribution Channel Promotion.

  • Building a nationwide distribution network system.
  • Diversify and improve product quality.
  • Achieving 3-star OCOP


Establishing FUWA Biotech

After nearly 3 years of Research and Development of biological products, Fuwa has completed the product and realized the market potential, so it established FUWA Biotech Co., Ltd. based on the original Fuwa Team.

  • Developing the semi-industrial scale
  • Building the sales model


Product development small-scale testing

To bring real value, to create a good product, Fuwa3e Team spent a lot of time to “Develop small-scale test products” before expanding to the market. During this period, Fuwa3e Team focused on:

  • Developing: Hand washing liquid, dishwashing liquid, …
  • Testing target user group

2016 - 2017

Founder of FUWA3E Team – Enzyme Research Testing

Fuwa3e Team research group was established in September 2016, with the purpose of: Developing and providing an ecosystem of natural products – environmentally friendly and long-lasting health for humans.

In the beginning, Fuwa3e Team focused on:

  • Enzyme Extraction Research
  • Research on Enzyme Preparations
  • Small scale sample product testing