FUWA Biotech is a company that uses pineapple peels to produce biological enzyme cleaning solutions. By using safe, natural ingredients instead of harmful ones, our products enable housewives feel less concerned about using cleaning chemicals in their daily life. FUWA’s mission is to provide natural products that are safe for human health, promote an eco-friendly lifestyle, and maintain a healthy planet.


What does Fuwa3e mean?

Fuwa is shortened from Fruit Warrior, whose mission is to remove dirt and kill bacteria. 3e is a unique stand-in for Enzyme – Ecosystem – Earth, the three elements we champion and strive to protect with our products every day.

Featured Products

Fuwa3e-Enzyme cleaner (Home Care) and SweetieBoss (Pet care) Cleaner made from pineapple peel, safe, no toxic chemicals.

Fuwa3e – Home Care

For Home

Fuwa3e – Baby Care

For Babies

Fuwa brand

Fuwa have 3 brand: Home care (for home) – Car Fresh (for car) – Sweetie Natural product, safe, no toxic chemicals

Fuwa – Home care

Home care

Carfresh – Car care

Car care

Fuwa3e – Baby Care

For Babies

TOP Best Selling

Fuwa news

New - Event Fuwa
Environmental News
FUWA3E – HUMAN ACT PRIZE 2024 in the Sustainable Products/Services Category

Recently, FUWA Biotech was honored to receive the Human Act Prize 2024 in the Sustainable Products/Services category for its pineapple peel-based fermented cleaner, Fuwa3e Enzyme...

FUWA3E – Spreading Green Values, Joining Hands for the Environment and Community

Fuwa3e is not only a brand of fermented pineapple-based eco-friendly cleaners but also a companion to the community on the journey to protect the environment...

Refill Fuwa3e – The Journey of Green Living and Environmental Protection

Refill Stations FUWA3E are ready to welcome you to reuse your plastic bottles after you’ve finished the product. This initiative helps reduce plastic packaging waste,...

People Life